Treatment Available

When we think of treatment available for alcohol and drug addiction, the first thing that comes to mind is rehab. Rehabs have become really popular lately, since many celebrities have gone in and out of them, but there are many other programs available for addiction, depending on what's best for the addict. Drug addiction help is available.

Inpatient Programs: This is provided in special units of hospitals, or clinics. They offer both detoxification and rehabilitation. Those with a mental disorder or serious medical problems as well as addiction, most likely will be referred to this type of treatment.

Adolescents may also need the structure of inpatient programs, so that a complete assessment of drugs and mental disorders can be evaluated.

Residential programs (Rehab) These provide a living environment, and programs that last from a month up to a year. During the first phase, contact with family, friends and job may be restricted.

An adolescent may be permitted to contact parents but not friends or school. These rules help the person adjust to the setting. Later they may be allowed to start work but they must return to the facility in the evening.

Often the programs are long enough to offer a general equivalent diploma (GED) preparation classes, job training and even career training. Some residential programs are specifically designed to enable women to bring their children with them. They can also provide parenting and child care.

Therapeutic communityThis is long term residential program that focuses on behavior change and personal responsibility in all areas of a person’s life - not only alcohol and drugs.

Outpatient and intensive outpatient programsThese programs are offered in many places: clinics, hospitals, health department offices, some residential programs with outpatient clinics, mental health clinics, or in the office of an addiction specialist. Some programs require daily attendance, others, one to three times per week. In my case, I will see someone in my office three times a week at most – and only until they become more stable. If they need more help, I refer them to a more intensive program. The goal is to diminish the treatment and slowly wean them off counseling.

People who do well in outpatient programs are willing to attend counseling regularly, have supportive friends or family, have a place to live and have transportation to be able to keep their appointments.

Opioid treatment programs (OTP)

for narcotics: often these are known as methadone clinics. They offer medication for those who are dependent on heroin, OxyContin, or vicodin. The clinics provide medication such as methadone or LAAM, to prevent the use illicit drugs. OTPs provide counseling and other services along with medication.

Be aware that the treatment available for the elderly may have different requirements. and recent studies have indicated that there's a high success rate when they get help.

Before you commit to a decision, make sure you check out the options in your community to find out the best treatment available for you.

Read about one man’s struggle with alcohol and how finding addiction treatment saved his life

Afraid the treatment available won't work? You should be.

What are the side affects of cocaine??

If you have suffered from these and other addiction issues, there are many pages on this site that can help you.

If you think I can help you with a consultation for yourself or a loved one here are the services I provide Coaching is not therapy, but you can get back on track. Recovery coaching can keep you on track and it compliments any 12 step program. A consultation is perfect if you have a loved one with an addiction problem and you're at your wits end.

Try a free 30 minute session
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(Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Publication No. 06-4126)

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