Codependency counseling for a healthy relationship.

Codependency counseling can stop you from giving too much love. Don’t be a love addict. You can help falling in love and have a healthy relationship.

Codependency counseling helps you address some family issues: chemical dependency, mental illness, physical illness, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, divorce, hypercritical or unloving homes.

These situations prevented you from a healthy relationship, because you love too much. You've become a love addict but you can help falling in love with the wrong person.

You simply need help

Counselors teach listening skills, assertiveness and effective communication. These are important techniques to break the behavior of controlling others and discounting your own needs. As a result, your relationships are unfulfilled and unrewarding.

This repeats itself in every new relationship. This is very painful. You may even be suffering from other forms of abuse

Melody Beattie said it right: “Recovery is learning to function in relationships” and a healthy relationship is just that – functional, not dysfunctional.

When someone with relationship problems, meets another with healthy boundaries, they're not used to it. So they move on and continue attracting other unhealthy relationships. So the cycle of dysfunctional relationships continues.

More often then not, the suffering person in the relationship finally leaves, and even then, they'll return knowing full well that they know it's no good. They the don't trust themselves and think, "just maybe, they are wrong."

And maybe you're RIGHT!

Why counseling works

A therapist specializing in codependency counseling or coaching can teach you, assertiveness and effective communication that you've been lacking your entire life. You become aware of your actions and behaviors and you learn new healthy coping skills. Through the process, you also develop a new sense of self and along with that comes self esteem. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard clients say,

“At last I feel great and I like who I am."

You become a whole new person - someone you like. Then you can develop a healthy relationship with others. The cognitive approach has been researched to be the most effective therapeutic approach. It works well for codependency counseling, coaching and help for all obsessive behavior CBT works, here's how If you think you have a problem, there are many pages on this site to help you. Here's the sitemap

There are also support and self-help groups for that can help you these issues. And if you have a question or comment that you'd like to add Just ask. Your question will also help others

A codependent relationship fosters poor couple communication

When looking for a therapist, make sure you find one who understands their own healthy relationship and boundary setting issues, as well as being familiar with codependent problems. Don’t be afraid to ask the questions to get the effective help you need.

Questions to ask before getting counseling.

But codependency isn't the only relationship addiction

If you'd like to know more about me click here My office is in Montreal, but you can also get coaching on line or by phone at your convenience.

Coaching is a very effective way to get out of a rut. This is not therapy. Coaching is more like being on a team of 2. We set the goals and get you get the gold. To find about it or try a free 30 minutes

here's what to do

Codependency counseling and coaching gets you out of emotional affairs

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